mardi, mai 09, 2006

England is better than Canada (Andloo)

So I still feel like it's Monday, but it's actually Tuesday. After hugging everyone 3-4 times, NOT crying, eating a granola bar instead of my "last poutine", I hopped in the plane at 7:00 PM. I could see the War Museum, the Parliament, Ottawa U and the Civilization Museum all at once. I was sitting beside a really old lady that looked 100 yrs old, I watched Big Mama 2 (sucks) and I tried to sleep a little bit. It was only dark for about 4 hours! Shortest night ever!! The dinner on the Thomas Cook airline was very good and I saw the sunrise and the Atlantic Ocean.

"Et l'atterrissage est reussi!" "Ben oui, c'est l'fun, hein?"
Vero et Andrew sont venus me chercher a l'aeroport et on a pu jaser dans la voiture, direction Cambridge. J'avais oublie combien Andrew me faisait rire! J'ai fais un tour a l'epicerie et je peux vous dire que tout est parreil partout en 2006. Je voyagerai tant qu'il y aura du Captain Morgan spiced a travers le monde.
Bon ben excusez-la, le BBQ est presque pret, desolee pour les accents absents, et les photos s'en viennent bientot. (il me reste encore a figurer comment utiliser

MERCI A TOUTE LA FAMILLE, + MO + GEN POUR LES BEAUX PETITS MESSAGES!! (Catou tu m'as presque fais pleurer avec tes clementines...)

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Ah tu sais, j'aurais bien voulu t'écrire toutes les meilleures blagues pérussiennes, mais j'avais pas le temps de t'écrire un bouquin quoi. Je me suis dit que ça se résumait tout bien dans cette phrase: "Einh... t'aimes pas ça des clémentines??"

Anonyme a dit...

Hope you liked my little gift.
I know it ain't much but if its filled with many messages from people who care about you here in Canada and also with messages of people you meet, then I think it would be quite priceless, wouldn't you think?!

Anonyme a dit...

Hope you liked my little gift.
I know it ain't much but if its filled with many messages from people who care about you here in Canada and also with messages of people you meet, then I think it would be quite priceless, wouldn't you think?!

Anonyme a dit...

It sounds like you're having a great time! You were worried for nothing!
x sylvia