samedi, mai 20, 2006

Lost in translation

Thursday I told a cashier I bought navy and black pants to match our shirts and sweater and she said "Why are you telling me this? Wait, what did you say? You bought what???". Turns out I should have said "trousers". Because "pants" are underwear. I also learned the words "mingin", "minger", "chav" and "piky" in the last few days.

Friday was a sad day: I emailed the boys from the house to tell them I wanted the room and they told me they found someone who would stay longer. Meh. Keep searching, girl!

Today, Saturday, was a very busy shift: 11-8. And I did 4 tours! "Scattered showers" in the afternoon (always in the middle of MY tours, of course).
Behind St John's College's New Court, at the Cripp's building, there were cameras, a tent, a fancy boat... they will be filming the sequel of Elizabeth, tomorrow!
On the last tour, at 7PM I didn't have to say a word, it was a Ghost Tour and an old lady was telling scary stories. We were two punts side by side and the wind had completely dropped. Beautiful. I would do it again anytime.

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

And what is the meaning of mingin, chav, etc...?
Je trouvais la commis pas très gentille, mais ensuite j'ai compris. As-tu trouvé une chambre?
Love, Maman xoxo

Anonyme a dit...

je reconnais bien ma belle Julie avec sa joie de vivre contagieuse.
Je suis tellement fière de toi et je t'aime. So, trousers is the word.En tous cas, tu vas te faire des bras; outch...

grand-maman xoxoxo

Anonyme a dit...

Hey Julie

C''est vraiment drôle ça! As if qu'il utilise pas les même mots que nous!! Je suis certaine que tu vas trouver une chambre bien vite!! Bonne chance!

Anonyme a dit...

Julie, t'es bien mieux de me revenir avec beaucoup de nouveau vocabulaire là! You know what I mean by that! Dick raconte que tu vas revenir avec des plus gros bras que lui... j'en suis pas convaincue, mais y seront surement plus gros que les miens en tk!