samedi, mai 27, 2006

Punt Wars and more beer

Was that already my 8th shift with Scud’s? Time goes by so fast! I still need to work on manoeuvring parking and turning but I’m SO much better at punting straight and strong (after a day like today: 10, 8, 12 people, etc) Yes it’s easy for the big boys, but it’s hard for me and I’m proud of not fainting after my 3rd big tour today. I’m tired of the rain, of being wet all the time. The war against the mobilers at Magdalene Bridge was quite strong on this rainy Saturday. According to the boss, it's illegal, they'll try to "convert us" and they’ll be gone by the end of the summer. (Scudamore's on the left, mobilers on the right)
Most of them are ex-Scudamore’s employees who say they make twice the money. One of them told me “Oh so you were just recently brain washed too, huh?” Not at all, I just feel like the mobilers are like the dark side in Star Wars. Ya know, it’s tempting but I must resist! We're WAY cooler and professional, anyways, so I don’t give a thing!

J’ai souvent des français de France dans mes visites, pis j’ai même eu deux francophones de Montréal, aujourd’hui, ca m’a fait du bien d’entendre un peu de bon vieux francais canadien! J’suis allée au Beer Festival pour la 3e fois ce soir, mais y avait que moi et un certain Tom pas mal drôle avec qui j’ai écris un rap pendant la journée. (The sun is shining, we are rhyming, Are you punting today ? This is the way! Etc... COPYRIGHT on that. if you want to hear more, e-mail me) On a fini par passer la soirée à se trouver des «inside jokes» pis à niaiser. On est aussi allés à «Ta bouche» après.
J’ai pas encore mon compte de banque, donc j’ai pas encore été payée une seule fois. Je vais demander au boss de me donner ça CASH, demain. Je devrais avoir ma carte mardi. C’EST LONG! Faut que j’mange, moi!

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