vendredi, mai 05, 2006

Poem to Mom

Dear Mom,

I'm leaving for 142 days,
No more classes, exams and essays.
But I must also leave behind
My friends, my family and my mind.

Three more nights and I'm on a plane
But counting the days makes me go insane.
So I did 2 leader camps in an old shack
And now I have no time to pack.

Hopefully in two weeks,
I will have good punting techniques,
A place to live and a mini-fridge,
As well as the best friends in Cambridge

If you could fly over to see me
You'd find me having a cup o' tea.
Or sleeping on King's College's grass,
Or tanning like I had no class.

When I heard you were afraid
I would stay there and get laid,
I almost l.m.a.o.r.o.t.f.
Because I am not that hardcore.

Four months is very long,
In August I'll write you a song.
But even if UK had no flaw,
I would still come back to Ottawa

So Mom, worry not for me,
Unless I call cause I need money.
I'm sure I will do fine,
So just have a glass of wine... (I know I will!)

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...


That's the best!

Anonyme a dit...

Hahaha... je ne m'inquiète pas pour toi, sauf quand tu dis que "you left your brain at home..." Vis ton été au max!
Je te trouve super chanceuse!!
Je t'aime, Maman xoxoxo

michèle a dit...

you are so sweet!

je m'ennuis deja!

Anonyme a dit...

Allo Julie,

Pour ton oncle un peu nono, pourrais-tu traduire
''almost l.m.a.o.r.o.t.f.'' dans ton poême. Comment sa se fait que tu l'écrit pour ta mère pi c'est ton oncle qui verse une larme.
Tes parents ont des maudites bonnes raisons d'être fier de leurs enfants