mardi, juillet 11, 2006

I love mondays!

J’ai passé l’avant-midi à l’ordinateur chez Vero et Andrew, j’les niaise en disant que l’internet c’est la seule raison pour laquelle je vais les visiter chaque semaine! Je suis retournée à Cambridge pour faire des commissions, vérifier mes heures de travail et me faire pogner par la pluie en becyk. So j’ai passé une partie de l’après-midi chez Nic, à jaser, se montrer des photos et secher un peu. Il a lui aussi dessiné un portrait de Jack Sparrow, dans les dernières deux semaines. What a coincidence! Still stuck in the rain, I cycled home and put some make up on to go to the Wine Tasting #2! Turned out we were only Sal, Dan and me, instead of 8 peeps. And the total at the Bun Shop was 7 people instead of 13. More food and wine for us! Hurray! Paul, the wine man, said that if I could gather 15 people, he could do another wine tasting in August. I’ll definitely try!! He was as funny as the last time and the food was delish. I didn’t even have lunch, and I was still very full at the end of the night. We walked home a happy trio, around midnight.
Tuesday: nothing to report, really.... Laundry, groceries, iTunes list getting long... Todo list getting short.

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