dimanche, juillet 16, 2006

I'm now a pusher

The job is really getting repetitive and the weather is just not cool… really HOT! Je commence à avoir des bobos partout là, le punting c’est vraiment pas un movement naturel pis le monde se fait mal au dos... J’ai mal après 5 jours pis en 2 jours ça se rétabli. Aujourd’hui c’est le 5e jour. Ow. Je travaille fort fort fort pour avoir un peu d’argent quand je reviens, aussi ben en profiter, les livres valent tellement plus que les dollars canadiens ! Si je peux revenir avec 500 pounds c’est déjà pas pire, ça me donne environ 1000 piasses ! Et en étant pusher au lieu de "tout chauffeur", je vais faire plus d’argent.
I asked someone that worked here for years, how many times a year they clean the blankets and cushions... and she said never. Then I saw a little girl playing with a cushion and stuffing her face in the blankets… I felt like screaming Noooooo!
I feel bad that I haven’t been doing much for SAFA, my student association back at Ottawa U. But I have been SO busy here and I never have access to the internet. So the best I can do is to draw the cartoons of all our faces, for the Arts website and CD-ROM, and to send it to them. The laptop doesn’t start, since a few days ago, so they’ll get the drawings like… 2 weeks late. Hopefully, they haven’t sent the Arts CD-ROM to the 1st years yet. At the end of my really boring work day, after 2 tours, I went to meet up with Vero & Andrew and their friends from work, and we punted on the Granchester River and had pizza at Claire & Adrian’s place. We even tried bridge jumping! Wookie is very good at it, I was just hanging from the bridge for 30 seconds…. I’m getting tired of the job, but I still enjoy punting very much. Isn’t it funny that the first thing we like to do, on days off, is more punting?

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