dimanche, juillet 02, 2006

MENORCA, Spain - Part I

I just spent one of the best weeks of my life (best weeks being Lac Lyster, Florida 1998, England 2004, Arts 101 week 2006) Here goes!

Friday ~ 23rd of June
After a short 3-days-of-work-week, I left the Cam to meet up with Jo-Louis in Haverhill. They have gorgeous pictures of their trip around Germany, Austria and Italy. They were ready to leave for a nice 10 days on the Mediterranean Sea with Vero, Andrew and me. Delayed flight from Gatwick to Mahon (Menorca), but at least we all were in the same row thanks to a lovely flight attendant. We landed in Menorca around 9:30 and rented a "car" for our journey to the villa of Puerto de Addaya. Andrew's parents are very welcoming and had a dinner ready so we had food @ the airport, the plane AND the appartment. We talked on the balcony until 2 am... So many stories to be told! I can't wait to see the scenery of all the small white and terracota villas and the marina in daylight, tomorrow.

Saturday ~ 24rd of June
More british vocabulary: bechers (pronouced beekers) are small round plastic glasses. And baguettes are now called french sticks. Le reveil etait trop tot pour moi, surtout apres avoir dormi sur un matelas gonflable. Puerto de Addaya est magnifique, avec une piscine au centre pour une trentaine d'appartements ou vivent surtout des couple anglais riches et retraites. On a sorti le beau bateau des Peps: a Chapparal SSI 210... le "Peps Paraiso", 45 miles/h, joli et comfortable. On a descendu l'ancre a Pregonda Beach (nudes everywhere!) ainsi qu'une petite greve de roches ou j'ai sorti le snorkel. On avait Mike & Jackie comme guides, sur leur bateau.
Pregonda Beach: Just as we were having our lunch with Cava (menorcan champagne), a naked woman on an inflatable mattress swam almost all the way to our boat, until Roy couldn't hold it any longer: "Would you like a cheese sandwich!? ... She must be spanish." And she replied "I'm english actually!" Anyways. I never saw so many nudes, some of them upclose, in a week. Listening to spanish music on a fancy boat, slowly tanning (yes mom, I put sunscreen on) and reading a book... Man, I'm retiring in Menorca when I'm 50... nah, 40! We had a swim, a good dinner, a few drinks and a good night.

Sunday ~ 25th of June
More boating today! We stayed almost as long as yesterday but stayed in the shade a bit more. BIG difference! I put my CD on and saw Roy dance on the "Cuban Pete" song (The Mask). Thank god we got some footage of that on video. At Es Grau beach, today, we also saw many nudes including a Spanish man with a really big... umbrella. We stayed at a beautiful shallow sand bank for a while, chatting with two couples from Puerto de Addaya (neighbours).
On est revenus a temps pour aller voir la joute de football d'England vs Ecuador sur un gros ecran au "El Castillo". Le restaurant supporte l'Angleterre all the way, car le gerant est anglais, tout comme la majorite des gens de Addaya. J'ai enfin eu des fish & chips, on etait assis avec les voisins encore, et un gars d'Ecuador est arrive, saoul, pis y s'est endormi assis devant Bernie. Cave. On a gagne 1 a 0, les parents d'Andrew sont partis pour l'Angleterre, on a fete pas trop tard a l'appart. "Vindalooooo! Vindalooooo! Vindaloo, vindaloo, naa naaaa!"

Monday ~ 26th of June
Chillin'. Premiere journee vraiment relaxe, on a fait une epicerie bonne pour 2 jours a Mahon. On a lu, on s'est baignes dans la piscine et tout le monde sauf moi a commence a s'amuser avec les 2 nintendo DS d'Andrew, a faire des mind games, des sudokus et Bubble Bobble. The mediterranean meals schedule is slowly changing to Breakfast @ 10am, Lunch @ 2:30pm, Dinner at 8 or 8:30pm... and snacking all afternoon. I played cards with Jo and we talked a lot. I'm reading a book called "24 Declassified : Veto Power", inspired by the TV series of 24 that I was obsessed with until the really rubbish season 5. The story isn't too bad, but the writing... yish. I bought a postcard to send to Scudamore's, they will get it in 2 weeks, therefore, after I got back. Zut!

Pictures will be up soon, I'm switching from Flicker to Google.

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Supercali... C'est un voyage de luxe très spécial.. comme un rêve??
Bon retour au travail..
Tu es bien courageuse; y parait que la chambre,etc. c,est 'minimum' mais proche du travail? Bonne semaine!! xoxo

Anonyme a dit...

Bon resume de voyage. Laisse-moi savoir s'il t'en manque des bouts pour les dernieres journees.

Est-ce que tes photos sont sur l'ordi de Vero? J'aimerais vraiment les avoir ASAP pour montrer au monde ici.

Ciao! Bon punting

Anonyme a dit...

DUDETTE! Mesa back from the camp ce matin meme (samedi.. on a partyé ek les monis hier soir, oh boy...)! Ça fait beaucoup de lecture à faire!! Jo-Louis font un vin et fromage en ce moment donc je suis un peu chaude sur le vin, but it's not grave! Ma semaine au camp était magnifique et j'ai plein de choses à te conter sur ma soirée de fête du Canada!

Je suis incroyablement jalouse en regardant toutes ces photos (jo et louis viennent de finir le slide show), je suis maintenant convaincue et vais convaincre gen de rester en europe kek semaines de plus l'an prochain!


ps: check yo emails!