lundi, juillet 31, 2006

Started at M Bridge and was sent to S Steps at 3pm because they needed more pushers. (See? I made the right decision to be pusher!) I saw the manager’s little baby. He’s so cuuute! 6 months! He already wants a 2nd one. It rained a bit this afternoon but I was lucky none of my 4 tours were caught in the rain.
I was making good tip in the morning, 6£ and 5£, and then it stopped. (school groups… grrr! They never tip!) I try to include the word «tip» in my tour, ya know: “A student left an umbrella at the TIP of the steeple of King’s College Chapel” or “Do you need a TIP or two on punting?” or even “The self-hires TIP a lot but the super ferries are quite stable.” Maybe their sub conscience… You never know, it could work! The best one is still “The Anchor is where we all go for a beer after a hard day’s work and the chauffeur that made the biggest amount of tip buys the first round. It’s also entertaining to sit here around Mill Pond…” and I just go on with the tour, hoping they’ll get the clue.

Je remarque de plus en plus combien les pietons sont dangereux, en plus mes freins marchent pas dans la pluie, alors j’pense que je vais me pogner une clochette, meme si j’suis juste ici un autre 4 semaines... My god.... dans 4 semaines exactement, le lundi 28 aout, j’serai en avion pour revenir au Canada ! Ahhh ! Gotta work on my ToDo list ! Demain j’ai off et ca va me couter cher ! Je vais skier a SnowZone avec du monde de Scudamore’s, en avant-midi, et ensuite la plupart d’entre eux viennent au Wine Tasting, pour lequel je suis maintenant rendue a 29 personnes. Weee!

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