vendredi, août 18, 2006

1 night in London

Vendredi 18
Packing for London tonight! Juste assez de suff pour un soir chez Joe, l’amie de Sal. J’ai seulement travaillé 2heures, j’ai fais qu’un seul tour, et Pete m’a renvoyé à la maison, disant qu’il allait pleuvoir à boire debout. En effet, moins d’une heure après, alors que je me promenais dans un magasin d’art, il a commencé à pleuvoir soudainement super fort. When it’s pouring rain, I can’t help but thinking about everyone working on the river... and laugh.
It’s a really good thing I got more than half the day off, because I realised I had a lot of stuff to do before London. Laundry, shopping, stealing a hat from the Scudamore’s office on Jesus Lane, painting a sign for the BBQ, in the kitchen, etc. Me and Sal had some beer and crisps on the train to King’s Cross Station, and we took the Jubilee Line to Joe’s neighbourhood. People complain about it a lot but I still think the London Underground is an amazing achievement… Check out the funny song on the net: London Underground. After getting ready at Joe’s place, we left for the city-centre and found a bar we liked in Soho, around 11pm. Can’t remember the name of the pub… Anyways we had a wonderful time, took a lot of pictures, went to bed at 4.

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