jeudi, août 10, 2006

"Will I see you around?" - "I'm always around."

Aujourd'hui c'est les funérailles de Grand-Maman Aline, et ma famille chante la messe. flashback 1996-2000. J'espère que la cérémonie s'est bien déroulée, G-Maman a elle même choisi les chansons, dont "Un peu plus haut, un peu plus loin" et "L'essentiel", toutes les 2 de Ginette Reno.
J'ai travaillé à Magdalene Bridge 10-1. ... 10 à 1?? I only did one tour today and I was sent home, at 1pm, just like last Thursday. It was cold and windy. It's nice to have a short day once in a while, but I need hours! That ONE tour of the day was exhausting. The two little american girls sitting at the back(near me) made me race the whole way back (their brothers and their dad were in a self-hire, beside us). Just have a try, and push 10 people, including 8 americans, against the wind! They didn't even tip... But the japanese couple at the front did!
Alors les trois pushers partis tôt, Jake, Amie et moi, on a dépaqueté nos punts, on s'est arrêté chez moi et on est allé voir.... SUPERMAN RETURNS! C'est aussi cheesy que possible mais c'est fidèle aux Marvel Comics, alors on peut pas les blâmer d'avoir une histoire quétaine. Ça fait années 90, c'est supposé. Le gars qui joue le rôle de Superman est quand même pas mal cute!
I managed to get 5 people in my sketchy, dodgy house, before going out. Nick, his sister, Amie, Jake and Irish Kate and we had snacks and drinks before going to B-Bar and Life. I'm getting tired of Life, it's always the same and the music isn't really the best. For my last Thursday out, I want to go to Fez or Soul Tree. And my last Friday, I'll do a big BBQ in my backyard! With lanterns and a lot of food.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

Je t'envoie un courriel de mon cousin Guy à propos des funérailles de Grand-Maman. C'était très touchant.
Maman xoxo