dimanche, août 06, 2006

I heart Granchester

Dimanche... Belle journée off pour relaxer et réfléchir. J’me suis levée tard, et Sal & Dan et moi on a préparé notre bouffe pour aller faire un picnic à Granchester. Ben du fromage et des crackers, des fruits, des tomates et du chocolat. Et bien sûr, du vin ! À midi, j’arrive à la station de punts appelée Yard (direction Granchester river). J’rentre au bureau et le patron me dit que je peux pas prendre un punt gratuit le dimanche, avant 4pm, parce que c’est trop occupé. Bollocks... J’suis donc allée faire l’épicerie avec Sal, j’ai fais un peu de lavage.

We left Yard at 6 :00 with even more food! I was frustrated of not taking a free punt at 12:00, but the weather turned out to be better at 6:00. So I had a wonderful time stuffing my face with cheese, sitting on the Granchester Meadows, listening to some Bob Marley and some Australian music. As soon as we got back at Yard, around 8:30, I hopped in another punt with Tom, Nick, Annabelle, Olivia, Ondrej, Lizzie and others, to go to… Granchester!!! Yes, I love it so much I went twice in the same afternoon. On the way there, I jumped my first bridge, with Tom. We built a big fire and spent 3 hours there, playing guitar and chatting. Best part of the night: playing truth or dare! I jumped in the river in my bathing suit, Tom went streaking in the night and ran to the other fire (Sid & friends, 200m away), Ondrej burned his underwear (and later on he kept asking where they were). Good memories. If only my camera wasn’t broken...

(a painting of the Granchester Meadows I found on the web)

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