jeudi, août 24, 2006


It's the final countdoooown! Tananaaaaa-naaaaa! Tanana-ta-ta!
I don't want to go to work. It's too cold to get thrown in...
I went to work from 9:30 to 2:00 and got sent home because there was absolutely NO business and most of the people who really wanted to throw me in the river left before me. SO, I was dry when I left. Went shopping for a top, didn't buy anything, and for some tape to put up the 2nd half of the canopy. I went back to Magdelene Bridge to say hi to Heather and got thrown off the bridge. Yes, off the bridge! Seb and Oli stole my backpack and cellphone and dragged me all the way up the bridge, and I was screaming and kicking because I actually didn't want to go in. Well, it was cold.
Apres m'etre lavee, frottee, desinfectee (la riviere est sale) j'ai prepare de la "dip mexicaine" et une grosse salade au macaroni. Amy et Lizzie sont venues chez mois se preparer pour la soiree, je me suis deguisee en Genie avec mon bikini top England/Canada, Amy etait un Gnome et Lizzie etait une ... um... Gorgeous Girl? Ouin. Pickerel + B-Bar + Fez, tout le monde buvait, tout le monde souriait pis tous les garcons avaient des droles de chapeaux. On a danse toute la soiree a Fez Club, et meme si c'etait un peu vide, on a danse jusqu'a ce que ca ferme. Come on. It's my last night out in Cambridge! AND It's someone's birthday! On a fini au Trailer of Life pour des bons burgers graisseux. Yum!

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Eh ben la dernière 'entrée' venant de l'Angleterre..résume bien une été remplie de travail de bras, de rencontres et de fête..!! Bienvenue au Canada...sigh.. a dit...

calembour a dit...

not done yet!