lundi, août 28, 2006


Je me suis reveillee en sursaut en pensant "Ah! Faut que je fasse le menage de la cour! vite!' J'ai remplis 5-6 gros sacs noirs de dechets et de bouteilles. Sal et Dan m'ont beaucoup aide a ranger, nettoyer, j'ai completement vide ma chambre et je leur ai laisse toute sortes d'affaires de douche et de la bouffe. je suis allee fermer mon compte de banque, et quand j'ai realise que Seb avait ma carte memoire de camera j'ai pense "Shoots.... more farewells... i thought I was done crying!!!"
So I want to Magdelene Bridge one last time to get my memory card and say bye to a few people. Annnd then some more farewells at Silver Bridge to give back the not-waterproof canopy. Vero and Andrew picked me up around 3pm and the last people I said bye to were Sal and Dan. Man I'm going to miss them! They were like brothers and sisters to me (sometimes even parents...). Well, I'll go to to Australia sometime, for their wedding!

Saturday night was relaxing, we had dinner with Eric and Alex and talked all night and I spent my last night at my sister's house.

2 commentaires:

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Ottawa...scuse, on est arrivé en retard, Pa, Ma, Jo, Lou et on avait trèèèèèèèèèès hâte de te voir!!
Welcome home et bonne 101!!

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